Home > Artworks > Rafael Domínguez Romero

Photo of Rafael Domínguez Romero Spain

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Born in Madrid in 1969 he moved to Ubrique at 7 years old. Currently working as a teacher of Secondary Education, specializing in drawing. He has participated in numerous competitions and exhibitions.

Competitions Awards

? Second Prize in Painting Competition IV Outdoor Grazalema. 2009

? Third Prize in Painting Competition XI Quick villa Zahara....

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27.56 x 39.37 in
63.78 x 44.88 in
44.88 x 63.78 in
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Born in Madrid in 1969 he moved to Ubrique at 7 years old. Currently working as a teacher of Secondary Education, specializing in drawing. He has participated in numerous competitions and exhibitions.

Competitions Awards

? Second Prize in Painting Competition IV Outdoor Grazalema. 2009

? Third Prize in Painting Competition XI Quick villa Zahara. 2009.

? Second Prize in the VIII Fast Painting Competition "Francisco Prieto." Arcos de la Frontera. 2009

? Second prize in the VIII quick painting Port Street. 2008

? First prize in the First Painting Contest Round Rapid City. 2008

? Second Prize in Painting Competition Quick Villa in Zahara de la Sierra. 2008

? Special Mention in the Painting Competition II Outdoor Grazalema. 2007

? Third prize in the IX Fast Painting Contest Zahara de la Sierra. 2007

? Fourth prize in Painting Competition XX Outdoor San Roque. 2007

? Third Prize in Painting Competition VI Outdoor Rota. 2006

? First Prize in Painting Competition VIII quick Zahara de la Sierra. 2006

? Eighth prize at the Exhibition of Painting outdoors all four corners. 2005

? Second Prize in Painting Competition VII Uned de Plasencia. 2004

? Second Prize in Painting Competition XII town of Zahara. 2004

? First Prize for Painting XXXIX Regional Contest Ubrique villa. 2004

? Sixth Prize Painting Competition Outdoor Four Corners. 2004

? Third Prize XXXIV International Painting Competition Homage to Rafael Zabaleta. 2004

? Second Prize of National Painting Competition IV Quick Villa de Rota. 2004

? Award of the British Institute LII Fall Exhibition Real Academia de Bellas Artes Santa Isabel de Hungría. 2003.

? First Prize of Regional Painting Contest XXXVIII villa Ubrique 2003.

? First Prize at the XVII Regional Painting Competition Trebujena 2003.

? Second prize in the XXXIII International Painting Competition Homage to Rafael Zabaleta 2003.

? Honorable Mention Painting Contest V "Villa de Zahara" 2003.

? Second Prize National Contest of Painting outdoors Villa de Rota 2002.

? First Prize in Painting Competition Outdoor Benaocaz 2002.

? Special Award XV Setter Painting Competition Outdoor City of San Roque 2002.

? Third Prize of the Painting Competition of Castellar de la Frontera 2002.

? Second Prize Painting Contest IV "Villa de Zahara" 2002.

? Fourth National Award for Painting Contest Antequera 2001.

? Local Competition First Prize Painting Ubrique 2001.

? Second Prize Painting Competition Ubrique Local 1992.

? Second Prize Painting Competition Ubrique Local 1991.

? Second Prize Painting Competition Ubrique Local 1990.

? Second Prize Painting Competition Ubrique Local 1988.

Solo and Group

? XVIII Autumn Salon of Painting in Huelva. 2004

? El Mundo del Toro. The Art of Color and the Cartel. 2004

? X National Painting Exhibition City of Palma del Condado. 2004

? XIV National Painting Show Tarancón City. 2004

? I Sample Small format painting "Summer 2004"

? XIV Arts Award "Villa de Rota" 2004.

? El Mundo del Toro "The song and the Plastic"

? Award of the British Institute LII Fall Exhibition Real Academia de Bellas Artes Santa Isabel de Hungría. 2003

? National Painting Competition. Autumn Exhibition of San Fernando. Year 2003

? XX I Painting Competition "Pintor Sorolla" Elda. Year 2003

? XVII Shows National Contemporary Art Tarancón City "in 2003. ?

? Painting Competition Chiclana City 2002.

? Exhibition of Paintings in the Exhibition Hall Ubrique ISSA 2002.

? Finalists Exhibition Painting Competition III Villa de Rota in Madrid Barrons Gallery 2001.

? I Fast Painting Contest 2001, Villa de Rota

? XXXI International Painting Competition Rafael Zabaleta 2001.

? Third Prize Andaluz's Painting "Art and Sport" 2001.

? National Painting Exhibition "Autumn Salon of San Fernando, 2001.

? Exhibition of Painting and Sculpture Vipros 2001.

? Exhibition of Paintings in the Exhibition Hall of the Casa de la Cultura de Ubrique years 1992.

? Traveling Group Exhibition and Painters years Ubrique 1993.

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